Adon Olam melodies in MIDI files
To give you an inkling of the richness of our heritage, below are 31 different melodies for Adon Olam in MIDI format! Please feel free to download any/all of them. Send in your comments - we'd like to hear your preferences and a little about your background so that we can begin to have an idea about what influences tastes in Jewish music. The choir will try to select their next Adon Olam melody based on the feedback received. So let's hear your gradings!! Harmonies have been omitted so that the melody can be judged on its own merits. In these files, some words may be repeated, so you may experience difficulties fitting the words to some of melodies.
If you know any melodies for Adon Olam not presented here, find a way of sending us a MIDI file, a fax or photocopy of the music or even a .WAV file. Let's shift that music 'from shelf to shul'!!
"Adon Olams": (Download the lot on a zipped file: